How to Dream Journal Your Way to Psychological Release During Pisces Season

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Updated: February 26th, 2024

If there was a season to recoup emotionally and psychologically from any perceived losses of confidence or setbacks throughout the astrological year,

Pisces Season is it!

Pisces season offers one of the best opportunities to turn inward to jumpstart a psychological spring cleaning, as this time of year marks rest, contemplation, and recovery.

Are you ready to experience new levels of confidence and clarity in your relationships, presence, and perception but unsure of what healing modality to choose for your psychological cleansing?

See below for an introduction to how to use dreaming as a method of psychological clearing during Pisces Season.

What You Should Know About the Pisces Zodiac Sign

Jupiter and Neptune are Co-Rulers of Pisces

Jupiter is a benefic planet that expands everything it touches. Neptune transcends our boundaries and dissolves illusions.

With these planets comfortable in their home sign of Pisces, the strength of expansion meets the dissolution of our inner boundaries, which can lead to emotional and psychological breakthroughs rooted in a deep sense of self-compassion.

Pisces Rules the 12th House of the Astrological Wheel

Anything repressed or swept under the rug can be found in our twelfth house.

The 12th house points our attention to that junk cabinet in your kitchen, the experiences you may have not fully processed, the half-truths and hypocrisy that may have crept into our conscious experiences in a more action-based and fast-paced season.

It is the house of surrender.

The 12th house also represents our inner visions and dreams that we may not have the words or conscious knowledge to express.

Pisces Dominated Key Planets in the Skies in Early 2022

When Neptune entered Pisces in early 2012, it birthed new colloquial phrases for escapist activities, like "binge-watching" and "Netflix and Chill”.

This is also a time to examine the escapist tendencies that increasingly have saturated our attention, like endless scrolling, excessive procrastination, and addictions.

Neptune's transit through Pisces will remain until 2026, when it moves on to Aries. With Neptune resting comfortably in this sign, we have about two more years to make the most of this combination.

What are some of the Piscean Gifts to the World?

A big part of a Piscean’s life takes place in their private fantasy land.

Pisces are known to be kind, imaginative, compassionate, and empathetic.

Pisces are also known to be very skilled and passionate lovers with an open-minded taste palette ready to dive into new cuisines.

Have you ever speculated on the link between astrology, expression of intimacy, and diet?

The information above is derived from the book Astrology Sex Diet, which possesses easy-to-understand explanations of why nutrition and sexuality are now being linked to astrology.

If you want to deepen your astrological knowledge on the sign of Pisces and others, click on the book graphic to secure your digital copy of Astrology Sex Diet!

Thank You to Rakuten Kobo UK for Partnering with Divine Download!

Why Recording Your Dreams Can Help You Clear Out Psychological Baggage?

Dreams offer us a peek inside how our subconscious and unconscious minds process the world around us.

Recording your dreams through the use of a journal or even a voice note takes can help you reflect on your fears, secrets, and creative nudges.

The record becomes a tangible item that can be used for dream decoding, symbolism research, or more profound shadow work.

We can also set the intention for more insight into a painful or traumatic event as we begin to probe deeper into excavating unresolved issues throughout the year.

Dreaming through Pisces season can thin the veil between recognized and unrecognized parts of ourselves.

How Do You Get Into The Habit of Strengthening and Remembering Your Dreams?

Here are some tips and tricks I have experimented with since Jupiter’s Ingress into Pisces ( December 2021)…

  1. Include Wind-down Routine

Stop scrolling, turn off those devices, and watch what is playing behind those eyelids. No more hitting the pillow and passing out without a period of stillness to set your intention and ask yourself what you would like insight on tonight in your dreams. Easing into the stillness with a wind-down routine can help one turn inward in a less jarring way. 

2. Try a Crystal Underneath Your Pillow

Incorporating Amethyst underneath the pillow with consistent use did increase the frequency and vividness of my dreams. Other Crystals associated with Pisces are Aquamarine, Blue Calcite, and many more.

3. Write Down as Much as You Can as Soon as You Wake Up

I noticed that the more time I spent sluggishly running to my journal to record my dream, the more material my mind had to erase the dream memory as I began to ponder what to wear to work and what to make for breakfast. Journaling or recording the dream as soon as you are awake helps you get the most material into the physical world to reflect later. Fragments of sentences as a memory representation are just as good as complete sentences. 
4. Prepare for Luxurious 7-9 Hours of Sleep

Preparing yourself with ample time for your body to fall in and out of the sleep states is paramount for increasing the strength of our dreams for recall. Unfortunately, those nights of four to five hours of sleep did not produce many dreams that I could recall. 

5. Try A Foot Massage or a Toe Stand Before Bed

Pisces rules the feet, and the feet begin the kinetic chain. Therefore, stimulating the blood flow in the feet with a tennis ball or a toe stand can encourage a boost of Piscean energy, starting from your feet and traveling up to your heart and mind,

How are you making the most of this Pisces weather, and what method have you used to strengthen your dream recall?

Let me know in the comments!

Ready for more Practical Astrology Blogs from Divine Download?

Check out my Venus Retrograde Natal blog, my generational planet, Pluto blog, and my Astrology Beliefs unpacked blog for further reading!

Don’t forget to Pin for later!

Happy Dreaming ☁️


Works Cited 

₁Tejerian, S., & Iversen, I. (2022, February 27). #99 February 28 - March 6: The New Moon in Pisces, Venus & Mars in Aquarius by the Weekly Transit: Astrology. Anchor. Retrieved March 8, 2022, from


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