Confessions From a Second House Pluto Transit

Ever had something so wild, unpredictable, and unexpected come into your life that completely overwhelms your "ordinary" sense of reality? Did it leave you a changed person? A transit of two Astrological heavyweights Pluto and/or Uranus could be responsible for delivering the shake-up.

An influential 2020 astrological transit of Pluto in my second house of personal finances, material possessions, and the concept of value had me laying in bed myself some tough questions one late January night. Items of value in my life became up for grabs and consequently taken from right underneath my nose; The transit had me wondering where I had left myself vulnerable to such an attack.

The essential understanding that would form the precipice of recovery from thievery and violation of my rights lay in how much I attached my sense of value to those belongings. Was there something of more excellent value in my life that remained intact, yet I missed that silver lining because I kept focusing and adding to my list of losses?

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Erin Sullivan speaks of the possession that will never leave you when she states,

"Traditional texts call the second house 'movable possessions.' This, I suppose, means we can pack them up and take them with us. What more moveable a resource do we possess than our concept of the value of our own self?"

When external attachments and material possession start dissolving into thin air, it is a beautiful opportunity to discover where we are attaching our value to anything. Transits like these help us find a stronger sense of self-worth because life will force us to find a more substantial understanding of inner security beyond the external. Ponder the following questions to switch focus to the one possession that will never leave you in times of unpredictable and crumbling uncertainty or loss of possessions:

  1. How much do possessions define my sense of security in the world?

  2. Would I be willing to lose all my meaningful possessions at the expense of my self-concept and self-esteem?

  3. Do I claim ownership only over the things truly in my possession or the things that I have the potential to claim as mine?

Thanks to an abrupt dissolution of what I once held dear to my heart, understanding what to place value in and how much was transformed for my benefit.

Are the material possessions that come into our life really ours, or are they loaned to us to fulfill a purpose? Sometimes when we hold on too tightly to something, Pluto will make sure we get the message that it is time for us to change!

Once personal values change, new beliefs lie the foundation for new actions to follow. Because Pluto moves so slowly through the zodiac houses, the same lesson in values will not be taught twice in a lifetime. What a blessing- sometimes you lose something external to gain more of what is intangible.

Have you experienced a Pluto transit? How did your understanding of a particular area of your life change for the better?

Interested in learning more about astrology? Check my other blog post below!


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