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Get Your Shi[f]t Together: Potent and Simple Techniques to Reprogram The Subconscious Mind

“Half the time you think you’re thinking, you’re actually listening.”

Can Your Subconscious Mind Control You?

How many of your conscious actions stem from an unconscious reservoir of memories, previous experiences, and repressed emotions?

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This question has remained on my mind ever since a midsummer weekend of reuniting with old friends ended one night with gut-wrenching pain and tears. Why? Something in my environment had triggered the maladaptive subconscious beliefs I battled throughout college. Suddenly, it was as if I had mentally regressed 5 years, as I was thinking, or should I say, listening to the old script that used to run that show back in the day read me down to a pulp. 

I immediately called a close friend of mine.

She encouraged me not to trash the weekend just yet. She instead encouraged me to get my shi[f]t together by trying a few quick techniques she uses as a certified subconscious mind coach, that encourage a shift in the narratives running in the data bank of the subconscious mind. 

How Powerful Is Your Subconscious Mind?

While the conscious mind primarily handles intellectual and logical processes, the subconscious mind handles involuntary bodily functions, memory, feelings, emotions, beliefs, attitudes. When outside stimuli are filtered through this subconscious library of experiences, we can feel worse or better about the situation due to what information is running the show in our subconscious. The more we can add and reinforce uplifting information about our experiences into our subconscious mind, the greater chance we can shift the inner narrative until that narrative becomes a subconscious belief. 

Potent and Simple Techniques Reprogram The Subconscious Mind on The Go: 

  1. Hold Non-Judgment for Yourself in the Moment

    When you first realize that you’re feeling “off” - no matter how long it’s been - even if you don’t know why - give yourself credit for the recognition! This makes your conscious mind aware of the unconscious reactions, feelings, and thoughts you’ve been experiencing


     In through the nose and hold out through the mouth or back of the throat and hold repeat until heart bear re-regulates 

  3. Tap into your Heart

    The heart is an underrated energy source that reaches 6ft - infinity, compared to our brains that can only project energy 6 inches past our head space. This means really means that “Thinking it out” will not solve your problem (energetically at least) without tapping into your heart space. Take a moment to place your hand on your heart and energetically send it up to your brain and vice versa. This is called heart-brain coherence. 

  4. Burn It Up and Rinse It Out

    Visualize that your whole body is engulfed in flames from head to toe, inside and out. It can be a color of your choosing, depending on the feeling/emotion/thought. Next, imagine you have turned to ash. Then allow the image of a waterfall to flow through the leftover ash, running through the top of your head and bottom of your feet until your energy feels cleansed and lighter.  

  5. Aura Protection Visualization

     Imagine a violet flame (or any color you find soothing) around your whole body/aura. Imagine the flame burning through any negative feeling being projected onto you. 

  6. Connect Your Head and Heart

    Take a second to close your eyes, place your hand on your heart and take 3 deep breaths - imagine a light in your heart that expands upwards until it connects with your brain. Our heart energy can reach 6 ft , where our brain waves can only expand out 6 inches. Imagine the brain and heart exchanging energies with each other until you feel their connection/synergy. This is called heart-brain coherence. 

What is your subconscious mind trying to tell you?

Could your subconscious mind could be alerting you that a software update is needed? 

The mind is a powerful servant and a terrible master. While our subconscious minds are hurriedly trying to make meaning of a present reality with past pieces of information, it can be relieving to slow down and perform an in-the-moment detox of your internal server. This way, we can gently intervene to encourage our subconscious to serve us information that leaves us feeling empowered and ready to take action from a place of abundance instead of lack, insecurity, and desperation.

Have you used a combination of affirmations and/or visualization techniques to shift limiting beliefs? Let me know some of your best mindset shifting techniques below!